Bob E. wrote:
FWIW...I just bought a 33ft 1989 Wilderness camper and the shore power cord is near the front left corner of the camper. Perhaps the age pre-dates the NEC specs referenced above. I just dragged the camper home Wednesday night and haven't even pulled the cord out. So maybe it is really long?? But I was surprised to see it where it was as I'm used to seeing them near the back of the camper.
It could very well be either one (or perhaps both at the same time). I don't know the history of that particular NEC requirement.
As a practical matter, it's very unlikely that anyone would care where the power cord attaches to a homebuilt RV so long as it's not something completely stupid or unsafe...and maybe not even then. I'm quite sure no campground is going to get out a tape measure and see how many meters from the back the power inlet is before they rent you a site. (Some may not want to deal with a homebuilt RV at all, especially if it looks somewhat untidy or unprofessional, but that's a separate matter entirely.)