Forum Discussion

rexabbot's avatar
Jun 20, 2013

Disappearing tire sensors

I have learned the hard way that people who work on my vehicles don't know what tire sensors are.
I have the TST system.
First about 2 weeks ago I took my motor home to have the brakes replaced.
I told the manager about the tire sensors. While talking about repairs to be completed I forgot to give him the tool to take off the sensors. I didn't think a thing about it until he called to say it was ready. Then I remember and said how did they get the sensors off? He said, "what sensors?"
He checked with the mechanic and evidently he threw them away. So they had to replace them.
The good news is is TST is located in my town.

Then yesterday my DW took my toad for new tires. I thought I only needed front tires so I took the sensors off the front. When she got there it was determined that we needed all 4 tires.
When she brought the car home I checked the back tires - no sensors. I asked if they happened to give her the sensors for the rear? No.

Again a call to the tire place. ( not the same place that did the brakes on the MH)
Do you have my tire sensors? No. They have to replace them.

At $ 50 a piece those are costly mistakes.

At least I keep getting new sensors !
  • LittleBill wrote:
    93Cobra2771 wrote:
    Boggles my mind how they are getting them off without destroying them. With the special wrench, it would be a bit difficult, in my mind.

    Hmm, encounter something odd on a valve stem with no easily visible way to remove it? Here's an idea, ASK THE OWNER!

    never seen them change a tire up front huh?

    if its a rubber core stem, they use a tool that remove the entire stem and cap in 1 pull, they don't ever remove the cap, since they almost always change the valve stem with a new tire

    Yes I have. And they ALWAYS deflate the tire first. How do they deflate? They pull the valve core out of the valve stem. And to do that, the cap comes off first.

    They do use a special tool to install the valve core, but I've never seen them use a special one to remove. Most of them take an old knife and cut the back of the stem off which allows them to simply drop off. The special tool for the install actually threads onto the valve core and they pull the core into place.

    Nevertheless, I would be shocked if they are yanking the valve stem out without first deflating the tire. That would certainly be a bit dangerous, I would think. I believe I would steer clear of such a shop.
  • About 4 years ago I had new tires installed at a tire dealer. I left and at a point of about a mile from the dealer I noticed one of my hubcaps rolling off in the distance. I stopped and walked over and picked it up. When I got back to my car I noticed that it was the last of the four hubcaps to come off.
    I drove back to the dealer and he apologized and replaced all four full wheel covers. I picked them up and put them on myself...
  • LittleBill wrote:

    if its a rubber core stem, they use a tool that remove the entire stem and cap in 1 pull, they don't ever remove the cap, since they almost always change the valve stem with a new tire

    I had new tires put on my truck a few years ago and the "tech" used that tool to remove my steel valve stems.

    He also inflated the new 80 PSI tires to 30 PSI.

    He insisted that I sign a waiver absolving him from blame if I lost a hubcap, even if it was improperly installed by him.

    I refused to sign anything; I also refused to move the truck until it was made right (new steel stems and correct pressures).
  • I just had 6 tires replaced on my Class A. When I picked it up I asked how much air they put in the new tires. They said 110 the "amoun recommended on the tire". This is a major tire dealer but they didn't know that RV tire pressure is based on the vehicle weight, which in my case should have been 80#. I should have known better and told them when I dropped it off.

  • 93Cobra2771 wrote:
    Boggles my mind how they are getting them off without destroying them. With the special wrench, it would be a bit difficult, in my mind.

    Hmm, encounter something odd on a valve stem with no easily visible way to remove it? Here's an idea, ASK THE OWNER!

    never seen them change a tire up front huh?

    if its a rubber core stem, they use a tool that remove the entire stem and cap in 1 pull, they don't ever remove the cap, since they almost always change the valve stem with a new tire
  • I had my oil changed at one of the drive thru places and they let 30 psi of air out of the rear of my pickup truck. I did not notice until I got home and getting ready for a road trip with my camper. I called the place and talked to the mgr. asking him why they did it his response was ALL trucks take 50 lbs. I asked him if he knew there was a plate on the door telling them that the backs take 80 lbs. He seemed befuddled like I was talking some foreign language. Why is it they always loose the chrome valve stem caps?
  • sounds like a couple of cases of employees that have limited training or don't care enough to ask about something they don't know what it least they are replacing them..
  • Boggles my mind how they are getting them off without destroying them. With the special wrench, it would be a bit difficult, in my mind.

    Hmm, encounter something odd on a valve stem with no easily visible way to remove it? Here's an idea, ASK THE OWNER!
  • One time I was getting an oil change on my TV and forgot to tell them to NOT check my tire pressure. I realized my error when I heard my TST alarm when they removed one sensor. It scared the tire guy. He thought he broke something.