I personally sprayed a family members's 14' pop-up roof with hail damage early this year with T-Rex White Bed Liner (Speedoliner) with an 8 qt kit and supplied sprayer. The most difficult part was waiting for our high output Bosch compressor to keep up pressure.
Results were...and remain...spectacular.
Weight addition? Are you kidding? NON-ISSUE.
Weight addition? Are you kidding? NON-ISSUE.
Weight addition? Are you kidding? NON-ISSUE.
Did I make that clear enough?
The kit of 8 bottles and sprayer was much less than 80lbs.
Once applied and cured...the material weighs even less.
Seriously, weight should not be a concerns when considering this option.
But cost should be!!!
We paid $200 for the kit of 8 bottles to cover the 14' popup roof with a thick layer. Amazon.com. Ebay. Same deal.