I have a Norcold model N81I in a 2007 Colorado fifth wheel. I installed a computer fan below the cooling fins. It is switched and in my opinion helps the refrigerator run more efficiently in hot weather. Previous to the installation I operated the refrigerator on # 4 setting (1 to 5 settings with 5 being the coldest). I now operate on # 3. I boondock 75% of the time and run the fan constantly in hot weather but occasionally shut it off in the evening if it cools off. The fan draws 0.5 amps.
I thought about controlling the fan operation by tapping into the wires that operate the propane solenoid. That way, the fan would only operate when the burner was on. I do not know how or if the circuit board would be affected and did not want to take a chance damaging something.
I wrote to Norcold for information: (cut and paste from my email to them - I have a Norcold refrigerator SN XXXXXX model N811 in a 2007 Colorado fifth wheel trailer. I installed a small computer fan outside the refrigerator to help cool the unit during hot weather. The fan draws about .5 amp (12 volts). The fan is wired into the "hot" feed for the fridge. With this arrangement, the fan runs constantly whether the propane flame is on or not. My question is: Would any damage occur to the circuit board if the fan was connected to the propane control valve? This would turn on the fan only when the propane burner is on.)
Their reply was: Hello,
Ref # 1021446
We do not recommend altering your unit in any way, that includes adding additional fans. Altering your unit violates your warranty and we have made notes in our warranty system. Please take you unit to an Authorized Norcold Dealer service center for all repairs.
If you have additional questions, please contact us.
Thank you,
Consumer Service
Thetford Corp/Norcold Inc.
800-543-1219 Opt. 1
I am not sure what the warranty threats are about, (info request made Oct 2017) since the trailer was ten years old at the time of request and obviously out of warranty. Not a very helpful reply since they made no attempt to answer the question.
I did not wire the fan to the solenoid so do not know the repercussions (if any) of that. I run the fan manually. I also installed a smaller fan (0.25 amp draw) in the interior of the fridge. I believe this helps to circulate the cold air within the fridge for more uniform cooling, especially when full.
We will be passing through Saskatoon mid June and mid July. If you are interested in seeing or discussing what I have done, PM me.