The weather has been a bit too warm to do any serious testing, but I have completed a few items.
---- The last time we had boondocked with the Espar running all night, the chassis battery went dead. So, I worked on moving the Espar from the starting battery to the coach batteries. That took a bit of trial and error to figure it all out but I now have the Espar running completely from the coach batteries.
---- I decided to try and shorten the circulating pump loop when the thermostat calls for heat. I found a "normally closed" solenoid valve on Amazon for $17. Now when the thermostat calls for heat, the solenoid valve opens and helps create a smaller loop. Hard to test right now because of the warmer temps, but I'm guessing this will keep the water heater water temp higher for a longer period of time.
---- I ordered another Cozy III heat exchanger. After testing the Espar and the hydronic heat from the water heater, I "somewhat" determined that the motor aide heat exchanger may not be able to keep up with heating the water as the hydronic loop cools it down to heat the coach. By adding a Cozy III heat exchanger that will be plumbed into the motor aide connection - I'm almost 100% sure that it will keep the coach warm in any temperature. The motor aide connection has shown 157 degrees on my last test. I should have that installed tomorrow.
I still have a few items to complete, but I really need some cold nights to see were I'm at. Fun project, so far.