diveman52 wrote:
If I'm reading your description of the installation correctly? I read it as your positive (Red Lead) is #2? which is correct size but you Negative (Black) is #8?
You run the rick of overheating the #8 it should be the same size as the positive.
Using just a thin piece of sheet metal between the wood and inverter is not a good idea. At the least I would space the inverter 1/2" for air flow off the wood/sheet metal. the heat from the inverter will pass through the sheet metal into the wood
I don't know how I missed it, but I just noticed your post.
The Chassis Ground is a #8. The Pos. and Neg. battery leads are both #2. You can see the black #2 zip-tied to the red #2 and a stretch of #8 going the other direction along the side wall.
I guess I was hoping/assuming the unit wouldn't get that hot. The metal skin is 24 gauge steel. At .024", not very thick. Having a little air under the inverter wouldn't hurt. I'm sure I have a few washers around here that I can stack. I might have some proper, metal spacers. I'll need longer mounting bolts, too. I guess I didn't think far enough past the instruction's direction to mount it to a non-flammable surface. Good lookin' out. Thanks.