Sorry for the late response. The led strips are able to be cut or to be tied in series to extend them. They have a rather large plug on each end. What I did was to measure the length of the led strip needed, trimmed at the correct point eliminating the plug on one end. I drill my hole be barely large enough to accommodate the led strip and feed it from the inside of the trailer to the outside. The remaining large plug on the end plugs into the controller and the remote sensor which is on the end of a separate wire was fed outside through the same hole. Very tight fit. I used a syringe full of white uv resistant silicon and filled the hole inside and out. I wanted to have the lighting available without shore power, so I used a 12v adapter plug wired to a cigarette plug and plugged inside the trailer. I can have remote control outside and at bed time, if I chose, I can unplug the 12v power and shut off the lights. I'll take a photo of the install when I return home this weekend and post it. Very clean install IMO. For the step leds, I zip tied my control box to the step mount, ran a 12v adapter wire to 12v under the trailer, secured the wires, siliconed the connections, and spray painted the white control box black to make it disappear from view. Again, I'll get those pics up thus weekend.