The issue is that this forum does not store (host) photos, they must be hosted somewhere else. I use my web site, so it's very easy. Flickr does seem to complicate things, but it's not that hard as you can see:

The key is to grab the proper link. Here's what I did:
Went to your Flickr page and clicked on an image. Then I clicked the Share Photo icon (the arrow pointing to the right, next to the star at the bottom right). On the Share Image dialog, I clicked Embed. Then I opened up Notepad (can use any text editor) and pasted the link. Then I copied the URL of the image. You need to find the link that immediately follows src=. Everything inside the quotes needs to be copied. The link for the photo above is
One issue. That link points to the original photo, it is not resized at all, so for large photos like the one I posted, you need to add a width to the image tag. Using 800 as the width is a good size. You can leave the height blank, the browser will automatically scale the height.
So the image tag would look like this (just use the correct braces, I used curly braces so the forum wouldn't display a photo): {img} width=640{/img}
Moderator edit to re-size picture to forum limit of 640px maximum width.