Options to lift trailer ride height (ground clearance) which way without going to far?
New guy here. Thanks for the add to the forum!
I would like to increase ground clearance 2" to 4" on my 2020 26 foot Dune Sport toyhauler. We are finding we are scraping the rear frame or rear stabilizers when getting into boondocking camp spots, and even gas stations. I know the easy fix, often recommended would be a spring over conversion. But with my set up that will likely result in 5 to 6" of lift. I would prefer to not go that high. Below are the options I've researched, along with my observations questions or concerns on each.
Here's the current set up:
Tandem 5200 lb Lippert axles with 4 leaf leaf springs which are 2600 lb capacity each. GVRW of the trailer is 10,400 lbs. The spring hangers are all the "boot" style hangers, front center and rear hangers. (Ill attach a picture of the hangers as they will be a specific topic of discussion)