GordonThree wrote:
A while back in another thread I mentioned buying two 3000 RPM 24 volt industrial fans for using to power vent my fridge on very hot days, to help improve efficiency.
I finally got around to installing them. I went with two Noctua iPPC 24v 3000RPM units, IP67 rated. They support pwm speed control but I'm currently not using that feature.

The fans are installed using silicone pegs? on a piece of aluminum angle stock. I re-used two mounting screws that hold the factory air damper in place.
The fans connect to a piece of 18ga cable which runs down to the bottom of the vent, where it's connected to a 12-24v boost converter and remote switch that is tapped into the fridge 12v supply.

I became overwhelmed by mosquito as I was installing the remote switch and didn't grab a picture. I'll try again shortly. The remote switch toggles on when ambient is above 85F and off at 82F, probably lower than it needs to be but 90-100 degree days are very rare in these parts.
I assume those are installed in the bottom vent area and I wonder how much they really will help since I would worry just how much they really increase the flow over the coils and increase the air flow out of the roof vent. They amount of turbulance and potential blow back could really impair the overall efficiency in what you really want to achieve. In other words in this case too much might not be better and I would think there is an optimum balance in air flow out of the roof vent.
My ARP with optional fan control has specific temp ranges for when the optional fan comes on and when it goes off.