mikebo wrote:
I have 13 recessed lights that have 20 watt g4 bulbs, they are small and the panels that most of the posters are using won't fit. They are much brighter than necessary, so I'm willing to accept a dimmer bulb. I have found bulbs that are disks with 12 5050 leds on them that will fit in my lights. My question is that for what looks like the same item I see different sellers on ebay give the the lumens for these bulbs ranging from 80 to 220. Are they really that different or are the listings bogus?
No matter what the ebay ad says, all 5050 SMD LEDs are the same brightness, and each 5050 device contains 3 individual LEDs. So a G4 disk with 12 5050's on it is the same light output as a 36 single LED rectangular panel. I converted some under-counter halogen puck lights to the disks you are considering (
SEE HERE), and they are wonderful.... lots of light, no heat, low electricity use. You probably can't go wrong.