westend wrote:
terryaGJ wrote:
I might have to rethink this.
An alternative might be to mount them on the sides. There is a member on the Forums, Tom from New Hope, that his modules on the sides. He has a hinge apparatus that allows the modules to be flat or at any angle. A strut is used to prop them up, IIRC. The hinge pins are removable so they can be deployed onto the ground, if necessary.
If it was me and I couldn't find the roof truss under the plywood (I can and did), I'd use a molly bolt just slightly smaller than the bracket hole and through drill the roof, insert bolt, tighten, and they are fastened. Cover the bracket with your sealant of choice.
FWIW, I installed my mounting brackets through a layer of Eternabond tape. This 45 second Video at Eternabond convinced me.
Although could be viable, I think way beyond my capabilities. I'm going to attach my panels today. I laid them out on the roof yesterday after having to modify the Z mounts to make some of them vertically adjustable, and adjustable to fit the roof curves. Instead of using four, I'll go with six mounts. I'll lay down some Eternabond tape down first, then use self tapping screws on some mounts, well nuts on others, then cover with lap seal. Decided not to use the 3M VHB tape in case I need to remove panels at some point.