I was not all that impressed with the quality of Renogy or Go Power. I had a single 100 watt on the roof in my last rig and each year it gave less and less power. A 20 year solar cell warranty means nothing when you need to deal with China. The Chinese solar cell and materials was a turnoff and from what I read most of them are not great turning sun to power. I was going to get a Zamp 100 watt for my trailer since it has a plug that says "Pre wired for Zamp" but they are spendy. I bought a 90 watt from Overlandsolar at the Seattle RV show, the owner was very helpful explaining what to look for and was probably overly honest about solar limitations and talked me away from his more expensive size when we went through my power needs. The cells on these are German (Bosch) and they fold up three way so they were smaller for storage. The charge controller is waterproof end has a small LED screen for easy changes. I have been on some long trips and the 90 watt has done great even in overcast which was kind of surprising. Does anyone know if there is a USA made solar cell in any of these systems?