Forum Discussion

JoeTampa's avatar
Aug 31, 2014

Replacement blinds

The mini blinds on the main window by the dinette finally died, and so I started looking for a replacement. I finally settled on these Bali blinds from Home Depot. They have no (exposed) strings, so hopefully they won't suffer the same problem of getting brittle and breaking after baking in the Florida sun. HD will cut them down if needed to fit.

The best thing about these, you just gently pull them down to lower them and gently push up to raise them - and the material itself is very kid-resistant.

I paid $79 for this one - 48" wide and 72 in long. Quite easy installation to boot. Overall, a win-win, and I am planning to re-do all the windows with these.

  • stevekk wrote:
    Neat. Thanks for the idea.
    Any plans for the window in your door?
    I am looking for something for my window in my door.
    Maybe I will use the same thing?

    We are still struggling with the doors - we will likely trade up next year, so we are just hanging dark towels over the doors for the moment as opposed to something more permanent.
  • Those replacement's look very nice and what you paid for them is a true bargain. Personally however, I really dislike fabric pleated blinds. Wait, did I say dislike? Correction, I really "HATE" pleated blinds. They look great when they're new but I dislike trying to keep the darn things clean.

    We ordered our current 5'er with simple metal mini blinds without day/night shades. When it came time to replace the metal mini blinds, we had the interior design store that built wooden blinds for our home build us replacement walnut wood look plastic 2" blinds for our 5'er. (our 5'er's interior wood is walnut) They weren't $79 each. But, we like the residential look of 2"wood window blinds. We also had them build us blinds for our entrance door window just so we can block out the light when we want to.

    Our next 5'er upgrade will be to replace the carpeted areas of our 5'ers floor. Our desire is to have heated polished granite or marble flooring throughout. Details to follow.

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)
  • Neat. Thanks for the idea.
    Any plans for the window in your door?
    I am looking for something for my window in my door.
    Maybe I will use the same thing?