+Buy a couple of 3x2 Ts a 90 a 2 in valve & coupling and a section of 2 in pipe at Home Depot and some plumber strap to tie it up ! I used 1 1/2 which is a mistake ,Its slow but it work's fine. Cut your 2 3in pipes the one in the front points to the rear, The one in the rear I pointed down, this is where my low side is , I should have gone higher and solved it .I put a nipple on the rear then the 90 then the pipe heading to the front. Now i put the valve right by the other dump makes it handy then if your good you put a short section and a coupling into the front T. Now i didn't go this way and I'm not going into it but i bought a coupling at Home Depot that you slip on to the pipes where they come together and it makes up fore a slight miss calculation and tighten both ends that it made a pain in the --- a very easy job ! I tied the pipe up to the frame in 2 places, I have no camera for pictures sorry ! Jim