I was in the same boat. Getting tired of running the genny and everything else that goes with it. So about three weeks ago I set up my solar system. The last two trips out we were out for four nights and never ran the genny. It was a great feeling.
I honestly don't have an exact $ amount on what I spent on the parts but think it was around $600.00 . I installed everything myself. It took a full day with some breaks because of the high temps. That said I have had my 128 flex panel for abiut one year and have spent many sleepless night figuring out ever step of the install before game day.
There is a great video on YouTube that was made by a member on this form. I believe the YouTube channel is R.V.ing with tito. Or search for "flexable solar panels rv" and it should pull up.
Super helpful video and lots of tip. Although definitely do your own research. It wasn't till I started my install that it all started to make sense. I knew I had the right parts but it was how they really worked is what came together for me.
So to sum up what I did....
128 uniflex solar panel (I have sense purchased another that I will install next cloudy day)
30 ' of recommend cable
mppt controller with a wired remote that is mounted next to other switches
15' of red 8 braided wire
15' of black 8 braided wire
several feet of flex conduit
several feet of 3/4 pvc
One elb exterior junction box
several tubes of dicor roof sealant
Amazon is a great resource for most of the materials needed.