Tin Pusher wrote:
Hey folks, no posts in awhile, but I'm into something...
Repairing wood rot on the old Wilderness, for which I have had to de-skin the back end. About ready to re-install the (aluminum) skins and have a question about staples...
Originals were what seems to be called medium crown staples, 3/8 wide x 3/4 long. I am having a problem finding these (and the staple guns that go with 'em) locally. What I can get are so-called narrow crown staples, 1/4 wide x various lengths.
So, the question is, should I use the narrow crown staples, or not. One downside I see, from limited testing, is that I can't pull the staples once driven, they just want to pull through the skin. Of course, this is only a problem if I would want to de-skin it again in the future. Hope to never :R
Other than that, I thing they will hold just fine.
Any experiences out there? What would you do?
Thanks in advance,
(BTW, I posted in this forum b/c I am DIY, and I AM upgrading from rotted wood to un-rotted :) No, seriously, b/c of all the excellent restoration work I have seen here in the past.)
Forget about buying "local", most box hardware stores carry items which which sell fast.. These tend to be CHEAP staplers and medium crown staplers are not cheap.
You BEST bet is Internet, Amazon has quite a few medium size staplers to chose from.
HEREAlternately, instead of stapling you CAN use drywall screws instead, even for intermediate siding panels down the sides of the trailer.
The bottom most panel is long enough to bend under the floor of the trailer, you can simply run a few drywall screws into the panel on the underside.. It will hold just as well and is reversible if you need to remove the paneling in the future (that is how I did my first rebuild and it worked fine).
Staples are used during construction due to the speed that they can be deployed..