In answer to your problem. Try giving the indented plastic portion of your valve a whack with the end of a screw driver. It might not be seated properly. I had to take mine out and it leaked when I put it back. Does not leak any more. Just be sure the water is off and you have it aligned properly.
The clicking noise might be the spring. I am purchasing a toilet because of a 50 cent spring that I cannot torque back to its mounting location. The directions I had said to relieve the spring with a needle nose pliers. The video that I viewed showed the handle coming off without disturbing the spring. I could have gotten to the ball with just the handle removed.
By the way when I put the toilet floor seal on I put it on upside down. Directions showed one way, the internet showed the other. Flat side toward the floor. The directions also were not clear enough for the reinstall of the ball gasket, that also went in wrong and leaked.
The toilet now works fine and I have a large rubber band wrapped around the toilet seat with the other end around the foot pedal. Foot pedal works great.