MFL wrote:
Sometimes, just plugging into tow vehicle may add enough juice to battery, to operate slide, if RV battery is low. Hooking jumper cables direct from TV to RV battery will work for an emergency to move slide.
Other question...yes those senors do go bad, and will activate as a reminder, and also activate when battery is low. They have an estimated date of life on the back side, usually about 5 yrs from date of manuf.
Same with smoke detectors. Need to be replaced every few years. FWIW, I had the same issue with my LP detector, and it was a low battery causing the issue. Somehow, my converter got blown and wasn't charging my batteries while plugged in at a CG, though it was producing 110v. When I went to leave, I had to fire up my truck and plug it in for about 30 minutes to be able to move my slides in.