ChopperBill wrote:
laknox wrote:
It occurred to me that I've never seen, or even heard about, anyone making (even homebuilt) a 2-speed landing leg system. I think it would be very handy for those of us who might do a lot of boondocking, where parking is anything but level. Not necessarily an auto-shifting gearbox, but one that would allow faster extension/retraction when there's no weight on the legs. Just a thought...
Looks to me like you are a good candidate for the hydraulic conversion kit. Out prior unit had hydraulics, sure is not fun going back to electric.
Not on a 10 y.o. FW! :-) Personally, I like the electrics more than the hydros. I've ingested and bathed in enough hydro fluid to last a lifetime; I don't really want to deal with any more. :-)