laknox wrote:
the bear II wrote:
Just a thought .... Why ???
It only takes a few minutes for my landing gear to deploy or retract under full weight. No need to save a minute or so with a two speed.
Mostly 'cause there's other stuff I need to do to set up or tear down during the 4-5 minutes it takes to extend/retract the legs on an unlevel site. The site we go to for our boondocker means that I have to extend the legs nearly 2' to have enough room to drop the nose back to level without running them all the way in. As I said, it was just a thought...
I drilled two small holes in the side of the rocker switch on my Cougar. One on the 'up' and one on the 'down' side (while the battery was disconnected and the switch was being pushed in). Then I modified a small allen key to fit on my key ring. I inserted the short leg of the allen key into the drilled holes (up or down) as necessary while the legs were powered and I could do something else while waiting (like blocking the wheels etc.). Just make sure you stay close and DO NOT get distracted!!