billy1davis wrote:
Yup, I have seen those crazies here in Utah in the summer pulling the 5vr and a boast or whatever and driving in the fast lane and passing everything in site. I guess they are those whose stories we see on tv the next day?
I am currently looking at two 5vrs that loaded they both weigh under 9000. One is a Holiday Signature yr is 2000 but looks like pristine condition and the other an Okanagan yr 2002 . I would feel lots better being under weight. However I will get the tranny temp guage. I would like it very much if I can get 10 to 30 thousand more out of the tranny. I have it inspected about 110,000 and they said it looked real good at that time.
Is the 9,000# Dry or GVWR?
The dually with a 10,000# will be close to GVWR with stuff in bed, and pin weight, crazy isn’t it!!