Forum Discussion

Liane01's avatar
Sep 04, 2019

2003 Arctic Fox 24' 5th wheel

Would anyone know where the grey water valve is located on this model? I need to replace it, but when I follow the pull lever, it
appears to be wedged behind the steel frame and appears to be unable to access. It is a 4 season unit and I really don't want to cut
a bunch of holes in the underbelly. If anyone has an idea, please
share. Thx
  • You may want to ask on the arctic fox/Northwood owner's forum which is NROA Forum

    I have a 2016 and like you the line goes into the underbelly. If you get some good tape, Eternabond or some of the Gorilla underbelly tape, cutting a flap into the coreflex is no big deal, you just tape it up afterwards. Leave one side of the flap attached as a hinge.

    If you have to get to the valve you will be doing that anyway. There is no way around it unless you remove the whole coreflex sheet.