Forum Discussion

The_Skiing_Ninj's avatar
Jan 27, 2016

2005 Mobile Suite 32TK3 + 2000 Ford F-250 Super Duty - OK?

Hi all. New to all of this...

I recently put a down on:

2005 Double Tree/DRV Model 32TK3 ('Telescoping Kitchen, 3 Slides')


2000 Ford F-250 Super Duty Crew Cab 7.3L Turbo Diesel 6 Speed Manual with 5000# rear air bags.

My initial research showed this combo to be OK RE: weights.

However, I called DRV today and asked for the specs of this trailer (assuming no options). They said that it was too old ("ancient") and they no longer have the specs (I don't understand this as computers existed 10 years ago and a spec sheet would take up a trivial amount of space but I digress). They "ballparked" the numbers for me and they were way higher than everything I had found online so far.

I thought I was working with 14500# wet but the weight given by DRV was ~17k dry and ~20k wet with a 3200# pin.

My ultimate questions is: ignoring the numbers I just mentioned (as I don't really know what is correct), would you say the Ford can safely handle this 5th?

Thanks for your help. I really need to sort this out before these two items belong to me!

Sean (& Sarah)
  • How might I know the answer if I don't ask?

    As I said, I'm new to this and have received conflicting information.

    If questions aren't really allowed here, I'll leave.

    donn0128 wrote:
    If your not trolling, then you should already know the answer!
    Most if not all MS owners are towing with a minimum 3500 dually and many of them have 4500s or MDTs.
  • The Skiing Ninjas wrote:
    Hi all. New to all of this...

    I recently put a down on:

    2005 Double Tree/DRV Model 32TK3 ('Telescoping Kitchen, 3 Slides')


    2000 Ford F-250 Super Duty Crew Cab 7.3L Turbo Diesel 6 Speed Manual with 5000# rear air bags.

    My initial research showed this combo to be OK RE: weights.

    However, I called DRV today and asked for the specs of this trailer (assuming no options). They said that it was too old ("ancient") and they no longer have the specs (I don't understand this as computers existed 10 years ago and a spec sheet would take up a trivial amount of space but I digress). They "ballparked" the numbers for me and they were way higher than everything I had found online so far.

    I thought I was working with 14500# wet but the weight given by DRV was ~17k dry and ~20k wet with a 3200# pin.

    My ultimate questions is: ignoring the numbers I just mentioned (as I don't really know what is correct), would you say the Ford can safely handle this 5th?

    Thanks for your help. I really need to sort this out before these two items belong to me!

    Sean (& Sarah)

    Either a different fifth wheel around 10-12K tops or a lot more truck as stated.
  • If your not trolling, then you should already know the answer!
    Most if not all MS owners are towing with a minimum 3500 dually and many of them have 4500s or MDTs.
  • Sean what are the weight limits on the truck? GCWR GAWR and importantly the RAWR
  • Thanks for your assistance tsetsaf.

    Here is the truck:

    I don't have possession yet so I'll have to confirm what tires and wheels it has in the morning.

    The ancient comment was the DRV employee's; I thought it pretty funny too...

    Thanks again,

  • My gut is the weights are somewhere in between yours and theirs. Even with yours you will be pin heavy on the srw. May need to upgrade wheels and tires. Trust me that "ancient" drv is way better than the new ones.