Forum Discussion

Jhurk's avatar
Mar 27, 2017

2009 Cardinal stuck holding tank levers

Just purchased a 2009 Cardinal and on first trip. Went to open levers for holding tanks and the levers were so stiff I thought I would break them. I slowly pulled and they opened. Had a real hard time pushing them back in. Any tips on lib ricating? I'm sure the sliders that close the tanks are the issue. I don't believe this unit was used for a while?
  • Thanks guys. No doubt seals were stuck in place but once the seal is disconnected you would think the levers would be easy to move. I will silicone the lever rods for now and when return home have a look at the seals. Thanks
  • I've found that most of the time, 10 years is how long slide valves last. I know, some people will say that they get much longer service by taking them apart and lubricating them but over the decades I've found that lubrication then becomes at least an annual job. They don't cost much, put a new set on and forget about them for another 10 years. Sitting unused is the worst thing that can happen to them, most likely what happened to yours.
  • Each of the sliders is held in place by 4 small screws/bolts; Take the sliders
    apart and remove any debris; Clean them thoroughly and apply some grease/silicone spray. Then re-assemble but don't cinch the screws/bolts too tightly.

    I do this every couple of years to keep the sliders from binding;

    *BTW - I found that paper usually is the culprit and jams the sliders.
  • I have noticed if the tanks sit dry over Winter non use, the valve seals tend to dry out, making the levers hard to pull. I make sure to add a good non ethanol anti-freeze to the tanks, especially the black. In Springs first use, the levers pull easily, like lubricated. FWIW, I use Prestone RV anit-freeze.

    You can also purchase valve seal lube to put in the tank.
