Our 2014 3895 just came in last Friday...
Yes, they have residential (Ashley) furniture...
Also, while we recieved some of the discounts for the "epic" packages, because we ordered with the intent to get a 2013...my understanding is that there is no more epic package--so essentially anything that came on the epic package is now just an option.
We haven't actually taken delivery yet--so the only other thing I can identify right now, is that the 2014s no longer include the keyless entry as part of the exterior package.
Rumor has it, they upgraded the slides...but contrary to previous rumors, they did not change to another brand or go to hydraulic slides.
P.S. If you're getting a 3895, the only thing that will tow it at max weight (19k, which you could easily get to if you have even close to full tanks) is a dually...