Aznative89 wrote:
I have been doing tons if research on the same subject. From what I have seen is if its a 2013 built after January 2013 it's comes with most of what the 2014s come with, residential leather furniture throughout with the epic 1 & 2 packages and all the goodies to go with it. Check out sutton RV and Holman sites seem to be the best for comparing. Also if your looking to save a few thousand on any unit buy in a state without sales tax I.e. Montana, Oregon, Nevada, etc. I currently have a loaded 2013 3895 waiting for me in Oregon. For right at $75K minus the fantastic fans and a couple other miner options. From what I have found there isn't much difference between the two model years other then the packaging options just make sure the '13 is made after January if you want the residential furniture and epic 2 package
PS if anyone has better info please please share,I'm heading down to pick it up at the end of June
FYI, you are charged sales tax based on the state you register the trailer in, not the state you buy it in. IE, if you buy a trailer in OR, and drive it to CA to register it, CA will charge you full sales tax upon registering it. If you can register it in a sales tax free state, then that is another story. MT LLC is the most common these days.
Also, NV is income tax free, but not sales tax. It is actually one of the most expensive sales tax, and vehicle registration states.