Forum Discussion

  • Sprinks542 wrote:
    I hope the newer ones are built better than the older ones. You couldn't give me another one.
    Nope. Helen Keller still works on them. Just pull off a panel and you will see the same shavings, cut wires, etc.
  • dedmiston wrote:
    At least Giant makes up for it with great service. Oh wait, no they don't.
    LMAO. :S
  • Me to. Suppose to be run by a differnet company of people. I haven't had any issues with mines but they did add some stiffeners to in when we brought in in for some small warranty stuff after a year of having it.

    I do like to new design but were the heck is the fuel staion at?
  • I hope the newer ones are built better than the older ones. You couldn't give me another one. Bought an 07 in 06 and by 010 is was literally coming apart. Even with its frame stiffener. No way in hell...
  • Our experience with Giant RV was as follow; OMG !!!!!!

    We bought ours at Giant in Monclair and had major issue's with the sales manager for pricing on it after we were to get a few thousand off which was agreed upon between us and the salesman at the Pomona RV show a week earlier. Our salesman was trying hard to give it to us for what we agreed on at the show but the sales manager was being the biggest AZZZZZ hole I'd have ever seen or delt with in my life.

    It's really funny how things can change when you go into Giant RV on a busy Saturday morning and make extermly loud accusations verbally about their honesty and integrity (basically calling them liars and NOT caring about their customers or customer service) in the middle of the sales office lobby filled with customers. Yes I did that !!!

    Our salesman actually calmed us down and told us he would take care of it while the sales manager just walked away from us after trying to get us into a back office out of the publics eyes and ears. What a dick! We sat down with our salesman to sign the papers and I noticed that the cost was actually $2,000.00 LESS (YES LESS) than we actually agreed upon at the RV show which was already less than the asking price at the RV show. I asked him if he was going to get fired for doing this and he said probably but he didn't care because he didn't like the sales manager anyways. Plus with all that you guys have had to go through you guys deserve it! We had to order our trailer and put money down on it which was fine and he told me they were taking about 8 weeks to get them now just because of the popularity of them and if that was ok. I told him that wasn't a problem.

    We waited 10 weeks and hadn't heard anyhting back from Giant and called to see what was going on with it and found out that our salesman wasn't working their any longer. Damn. The sales manager wasn't working their any longer also, YEA!!! They said they would call Weekend Warrior and find out where it was at and call us back. We waited another week and no phone call. Really !?!?!?!?! We're going to have to do this again !?

    I was working a lot of Saturdays back then so I told my wife to take the kids (they were young and did whatever we ask them to do, LOL)and go into the lobby on a Saturday and make a extremly loud stink about not getting our trailer and DO NOT LEAVE THE LOBBY. I said also tell Giant that you will be there very Saturday until we do get it. They did and they actually were chanting in the lobby full of customers "We want our trailer, we want our trailer" loudly. Giant RV did try to get them into a office out of the public eye and ears but they didn't go. Man I wish I was there to see that. LOL.

    Another sales person actually got on the phone to Weekend Warrior then told my wife the trailer was done and that it would be there in three days and apologized for the all the trouble.

    We did get it in 3 days and because we couldn't get there until after 5:00 PM, Giant stayed open until we completed the walk through and inspection. We did check everything (learning from several post on this web site) to make sure it ALL worked, and it did take us over 3 hours for us to sign off on it and pay for it before pulling off the lot with it. It was me and my wife and 2 guys from Giant until about 9:00 PM. No one else was there when we left. They actually had to unlock the gate to let us out. LOL.

    I do have to say that the 2 salesman we delt with were older gentlemen that actually cared more about the customer than the bottom line. Not like the younger ones we had talked to. The last one actually called us 2 months after we had it and asked if he could come buy our house and check out the trailer and make sure everything was working and that we were happy with it and address any concerns we had or answer any questions we had. REALLY ??? Unheard off !!! I told him hell yes you can and he came buy and we sat in the trailer parked in front of our house and we talked about the hole ordeal over a couple of beers for a couple hours and laughed it all off as part of some really stupid, stupid upper management at Giant RV. Great guy !!!

    Sorry for the long post but as soon as anyone mentions Giant RV Service, that GIANT bell goes off in my head again. LMAO.
  • At least Giant makes up for it with great service. Oh wait, no they don't.
  • Its giant rv thats why. You go to a mom and pop rv dealer your looking at about 32k otd.