Forum Discussion

Tnsmckenzie's avatar
Jul 21, 2018

Weekend Warrior frame issue

I’m looking at buying a 2008 Weekend Warrior FB2200. I’ve read on this site and others about the frame issues that resulted in a class action lawsuit. I was wondering if WW fixed the frame issue before they went out of buisiness and if the 2008 models had the problem. I also couldn’t find any info stating the FB2200 model ever had any frame issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Thanks for The help. I’m going to take your advice and pass on this rig.
  • Tnsmckenzie wrote:
    I’m looking at buying a 2008 Weekend Warrior FB2200.

    Find something better, that is my recommendation
  • Hard to say. My so called 08 fSC3200 had a build date of 06. You need to look at the frame and determine if it the updated version.
  • the issues were prior to 07 my old 07 wasnt involved in the lawsuit.
  • Just look under at the frame see if there are gussets that the outside wall is sitting on of not there its a bad frame