On a hot day with everyone in the park is using the AC, voltage will drop and amps will go up! You may find yourself triping the pedestal 30 amp breaker, and if you were away your rig will be hot when you return! Using a 50 to 30 dogbone adaptor plugged into the 50 amp plug at the pedestal will give you the extra "fudge factor" and minimize the likley hood that the pedestal breaker will pop! And as pointed out each 120 circuit in the RV has its own circuit breaker, you excide the rating for any of them and they will pop! But that would mean YOU have a problem in YOUR RV, and you are not at the mercy of the parks electrical system. Go ahead and continue to use what you feel comfortable with, but if I had. 30 amp RV I would spend all that extra money, ($10.00) on a dogbone adaptor and feel confident that when I returned to my RV the AC would be purring!