Forum Discussion

BugsRLB's avatar
Aug 22, 2018

50 Amp Cord Holder

I borrowed this idea from either this forum or another, not sure. But, it was a great idea and the price was right! The huge 50 amp cord was a PITA to store! This makes winding/storing a breeze. Purchased at Harbor Frieght for about $11. Get the 20% coupon.

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  • EZ PEZE, get the proper cord and caps then make your own! Coils easily in all weather and takes up very little room with no need for a reel.

  • Nice idea but it requires a cord with the flexible shell. My current cord gets very stiff when cold and is difficult to coil for storage.
  • I did that for both electric and water and mounted them to a two drawer cabinet. I don't actually use my 50 amp cord much as I use a lighter weight 30 with the marinco end on it. Most of our state parks don't offer 50 amp and since i dont have 2 A/C's yet I can get by
  • Not a a bad idea, but unless one end is connected permanently you'll have unwind the whole shebang to hook up.

    I use an old clothes basket and only unwind as much as I need and leave the rest of it in the basket. There's enough cord unwound that I can easily slide it under the trailer to get the basket out of the rain.