To explain a little....
"Power" is not lost.....VOLTAGE is lost.
The loss is the current in Amperes times the resistance
of the wire........longer wire = more resistance.
Lower voltage will make lights dimmer, make electric
cooking slower..........probably not noticeably.
But, lower voltage INCREASES the current drawn by
motor loads.....your air conditioner !
Get a voltmeter........a cheap one which plugs into
a receptacle IN the R V will do long as the
voltage remains above about 108 volts, all is OK
If the voltage falls below that, turn off some loads
until it increases.....if you cannot increase it,
turn off the air conditioner.
And,placing the receptacle closer to the R V might not
make any difference.........there are wires which lead TO
the receptacle, and they cause voltage drop (loss) too.
They could be SMALLER than the portable cord, causing MORE loss.