Forum Discussion

sreinert63's avatar
May 16, 2014

5th Wheel Hitch cart

I had seen a while back maybe in Trailer Life or some other publication a plan for a 5th Wheel hitch cart. Very simple construction with castors etc that you could build to just below your tailgate height and easily off-load your hitch when taking it out and setting on the cart for ease of storing in whatever corner of your garage or shop when the hitch is not in use or during winter months. I cannot find now and curious if anyone has any plans on a simple cart of this purpose?
Just put a new B&W 18k Companion hitch in my 2014 - F350 and before next winter would like to come up with something for this.
  • Not familiar with the article you saw, but it should be easy to build up. My advice would be to start with a furniture dolly from Harbor Freight. They are very inexpensive. You probably couldn't buy the castors for their price for the whole thing. Then just build up whatever box on it that you wish. I just set mine down on the HF dolly and don't worry about adding height to it.