Cummins12V98 wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
I have always thought the biggest joke of all is anyone making a claim you can’t drop a fifth wheel with a B&W , nothing is further from the truth , you certainly can drop one on the bed with the B&W hitch .
Sure can...if you're blind. That's about the only way.
YEP, so simple just do a VISUAL test. Kingpin plate and hitch plate touching, jaws closed around kingpin and handle closed and locked. It simply can’t fall. Complete waste of time to do a pull test I’d you do what I just detailed.i know they are
Ron, I couldn't agree more, but you ,and I know, thats not what is happening . The results are a dropped fifth wheel on the bed of truck. You can point out all this things until the cows come home, and we will still read about someone dropping a fifth wheel on the bed of truck . My only point is ,it does not matter what hitch. You can defend whatever hitch you want, but someone has used it ,and dropped a fifth wheel ,we all know that.
The results could be a lot more dramatic with an Andersen , couple ways to do it ,one have the locking handle locked when hitching up, and be sitting on top of the ball, here again as 12ryder has said ,gotta be blind. The other more dramatic result ,leaving the handle unlocked. Possibly being able to bounce off the ball going down the road. As said ,no hitch is exempt . Yet as you say SO simple , but still happens .