TXiceman wrote:
RustyJC wrote:
Moon8211 wrote:
OKay so we are looking at an Open Range Light and it actually comes with a King Combo Pin Box and it says it allows for the use of a Gooseneck Adapter without voiding warranty. Thoughts on that??
If the frame is designed for the gooseneck hitch as I understand some of the Open Road models are, that's fine. Most 5th wheel frames aren't, though. The laws of physics are basically immutable - ignore them at your own peril.
I am with Rusty. Basic physics and engineering principles cannot be ignored and are seldom wrong. It is your trailer and your money. If you are comfortable with your decision, do what ever makes you happy. But don't come trying back about the poorly built trailer.
One of the first steps in discussing the applicability of physics and engineering is to dismiss data thats irrelevant to the focal point of the exercise. In this case, one cannot compare a livestock trailer to a RV. Both are designed totally different and for totally different purposes. The load characteristics of a livestock trailer, along with weight distribution are nothing at all like a RV. Also, when discussing physics, it's important to go through the steps. After stating a hypothesis (ie Gooseneck adapter is bad), the next step is to prove or disprove through a combination of research, calculations, evidence, etc. Simply stating a hypothesis has nothing to do with physics, but rather is nothing more than conjecture if you don't follow through with the rest.
I remember that many people on here used to scream loudly about transmission temps, specifically that temps need to run above a certain level in order to burn off moisture. Otherwise you would be destroying your transmission. Then a transmission engineer came on here and told all those people how wrong they are. He included case studies, first hand examples, and general engineering data. I've not seen anyone on here say anything else about it since that time.
I don't know that GN adapters are good or bad, but quite frankly there's not ever been one iota of actual evidence provided on this forum (that I've seen) to confirm either position.