Forum Discussion

Leland2's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 18, 2013

6v vs. 12v AGM deep cycle confusion

I've read everything here and a number of other sites on this subject and I have a mental block understanding. I get different answers from different people too -- and still don't get it.

Here's my setup: I have an Alpenlite with 6 Interstate U2200 batteries, 1 100w solar panel, and a Xantrex Freedom inverter/converter . At 6 years, I'm thinking of replacing the Interstate's with AGM's.

In 6 years I've always had shore power and don't anticipate ever dry camping.

I know I"ll probably go with 2 12v or 2 6v deep cycle AGM batteries. I'm unclear as to why one set might be better than the other.

I'm not focusing on cost here or amp hours. Just enough battery power to maintain the coach -- I think I need batteries even though I am plugged into to shore power -- but don't know this for a fact.

Someone recommended the 4D size (210 amp hours?). Don't recall why now but anything wrong with the 24 or 27 sizes?

Think my Xantrex would work fine with the AGM battery setup but don't know for sure.

Anyone out there with a similar situation -- or advice for a simple setup here?

Thanks in advance.
  • my last MH had 2 x Group 29 (1/4" longer than group 27, but much more amp capacity) but my new 5th wheel has 2 x 6 volt (the 2200 series) and I have had a solar panel for both set ups--

    I really do see a lot longer amp draw-down with the 6 volt batteries--their lead plates are so much thicker, and golf cart batteries are designed for a long draw down and recharge whereas 12 volt batteries are not really designed for a long draw down period (this is from Interstate Battery company that sells both types pf batteries).

    just my $.02 worth.

  • Leland2 wrote:
    h 6 Interstate U2200 batteries, 1 100w solar panel, and a Xantrex Freedom inverter/converter .

    In 6 years I've always had shore power and don't anticipate ever dry camping.
    Your setup is quite the dichotomy..and I hope I've used that word correctly.

    If you never dry camp you need only one battery, and it doesn't have to be anything humongous. I don't know why you have 6. That's way way overkill for you.

    The solar and the inverter I would question too. Why do you have those things if you never dry camp?