Forum Discussion

Mastercamper201's avatar
Jul 13, 2015

A/C Condensation

Lately I have been having an inordinate amount of condensation on the ceiling, on the unit and the outlets to my air conditioners. What am I doing to cause this? I have a 2014 Montana 3850FL.
  • Condensation forms on cold things in warm air. Your ceiling should not be colder then the inside air (unless you are running the heater). It sounds like you have a duct leak within the ceiling, causing it to be colder then the inside air. Fix the leak(s), and the problem goes away, and the trailer cools better then before.
  • Air bypassing from the outlet side to the inlet side will cause over cooling of the leaving air and once it is below the dew point of the air, condensation will occur on the cold surfaces.

    Pull the inside cover off and check for gaps in the duct connection and baffles. Us an industrial foil tape for the sealing.

    Also check for a hole around the wires back into the ceiling. Seal this with a bit of caulk.

    Also, run the fan on high speed...never on low.

  • Patriotgrunt, I have the exact same issues that you do. Daily its wipe the dew from the ceiling, floor and vents....
  • I'm having the same problem. Filters are good to go. The trailer is brand new. I'm currently residing in it in central Alabama. It's very humid but there shouldn't be this much condensation around the A/C units, ceiling, vents, etc. I'm having to wipe away the extra condensation daily.