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laknox's avatar
Nov 27, 2017

Adventures in RV buying... (Long)

I've been on the hunt for a new FW for over 2 years and had settled on 2 different FWs. My #1 choice was a KZ Durango 1500 D284RLT; my #2 was a Jayco Eagle HT 27.5RLTS. The Jayco was #2 for several reasons but the biggest reason was the anemic 32.5 gal black tank. Since we boondock several times a year, and I've nearly filled the 45 gal tank in my old FW on more than one occasion, I didn't want to give up any more capacity than I had to. Also, the lower CCC figured in.

About 3 weeks ago I took DW to look at a Jayco at a local dealer. She liked it, overall, but one of her first comments was "where's the pantry?" I knew that kitchen cabinet space was limited on this model, but didn't realize just =how= limited. We do travel pretty light, so I wasn't too worried about it, and we even talked about getting a closed tea cart that we could move around. Also, having a heater vent right under one of the recliners (which is =really= stupid) turned her off, as she was concerned about what the heat would do to the chair. Now, we used the furnace in our old FW =maybe= a total of 7 days in 13 years of ownership, so I thought this was a non-starter. :B Anyway, this caused me to take a harder look at the KZ. Being very similar to the Jayco, it is also limited in kitchen storage, though it =does= have shelves to the left of the stove, both below and above, that would work for a pantry. There is also an optional kitchen island that would work well for pantry space; the extra counter space is a bonus. Since I was really looking for a model with lots of open space, the island was a turn-off for me, and I was very enamored with the tea cart idea.

This brings us to 2 weekends ago. We drive about an hour and a half to one of the only 2 KZ dealers to look at a somewhat similar 277RLT that is in stock, one of only 2 Durango 1500s in the entire state. The nearest 284 is almost a thousand miles away, in NorCal, and there is no way we're spending $1 on something we haven't seen in person. Long story short, DW =loves= it! So, now I'm having to shift my 2+ year study of these FWs to a different direction. Not a hard decision, since =she= likes it. This particular unit has been on the lot for 10 months. I'd called the dealership before going down and just happened to get the owner on the phone and he shot me an unbelievable price. That pretty much sealed the deal for me...depending on what it looked like after we saw it. We ended up doing a "mini-PDI" on it and pointed out a lot of the small stuff you might expect on a rig that's been sitting for 10 months; loose trim, some scuffs and scratches, etc. Biggest issue we caught was on the facia trim where the pantry door mounts. There is a crack completely through the wood, about 1.5" long. Don't know if it's bad wood or shoddy construction, but the rig is under warranty, so we're confident KZ will fix it. (More on this later.) Salesman is saying "no problem, we can fix that" to everything we pointed out. We leave without putting a down or signing anything saying we want to talk about it. Called them the following Monday and put a down on it; refundable, of course.

FF to this past Saturday. We head down to sign paperwork, but we want to look at it some more and literally do a "medium-PDI", which we did. Made a list of a lot of stuff we'd seen before as well as acknowledging some of the repairs that they'd already done. The cracked facia on the pantry KZ had already turned down a replacement repair on, so some glue, stain and a reinforcing strap on the back side was agreed to. I can live with that as it's not really structural, more just aesthetic. Several other pieces of loose trim were pointed out; a few nails/staples will take care of these. We did find another wood piece that was cracked completely through as well as loose, and they said they's fab a new piece and stain it to match. Easy fix that =I= could do, but this is a new f'n rig, right? My other major concern came on the roof. 2 vents had severely cracked sealeant; all the others looked perfect. Don't know why those 2 cracked so badly, though. Also, I found a scrape on the roof. Not bad, but there was one bad spot, maybe 1/4" across, that was pretty deep. They're going to bead some Dicor across that area, which I agreed to, though I wanted them to run about 2' of Eternabond across it, and which I'll likely do after it goes out of warranty. I don't =think= it fully penetrated, but my "thinking" often gets me in trouble.

Now, to the bad...

Personally, I was dreading buying a new RV simply having to deal with salesmen, and this trip was no exception.

First trip, salesman was all upbeat and "we'll fix this, we'll fix that". Second trip, we managed to piss him off, with our extensive inspection. On top of that, we came about =this= close to walking on the deal after he came up with the b.s. of "we're taking a huge hit on this trailer, you're going to have to compromise some on this". I let my wife do most of the talking, though I did comment that I knew that dealers were caught between customers desires and manufacturer's reality, but this comment really pissed =me= off. I literally asked him what the difference was, warranty-wise, between this '17 and an '18 that came in the week before; =both= should be treated equally. His comment, again, referenced their loss. Now, the dealership's OWNER gave me this price, so I don't know if it was the owner trying to back-step a bit or it was the salesman trying to do the back-stepping, but it nearly caused us to walk out. We =did= tell him we needed a few minutes, which he gave us. (Remember the list of fixes I mentioned above? I ended up emailing it from my phone to the owner. He printed it out with what they would and wouldn't fix. We agreed to it and signed it, separately.) Another thing that irritated me was that when we looked at this unit the first time, the disconnect was left on and the battery was flat. They grabbed a jumper box to get the wardrobe slide extended so we could check it out. They =knew= we were coming down on Saturday and did not either swap out the battery or even charge the one that was there. Then, when I mentioned about replacing the battery with a fresh one, they said that they'd charge the one there and load test it. Now, I don't know about y'all, but in my experience, when a 12v "marine" battery goes flat (too the point where lights won't even flicker), that' battery's toast. Again, the salesman pooh-poohing things, which really pissed me off, but I let it slide. I'll try using it and charging it on my own, but if the battery goes flat again, they'll be putting a new one in, that's for sure. I plan on installing 2 6v batteries at some point anyway, but I still need at least =one= good battery.

We went ahead with the deal, gave them =more= down (which we weren't told about ahead of time, as they knew =my= time frame on getting funding) and signed the final paperwork. So, given that AZ has no "cooling off" period, which we also had to sign to acknowledge, we owned a '17 KZ Durango 1500 277RLT, at that point. We go down on Thursday to make final payment, do the final PDI and pick it up.

Whew! And we're still married!

  • BTW marine batteries are not toast when discharged all the way, just ask a fisherman.
  • Hope it works out for you going forward. I'm a little suspicious of KZ being very helpful in the future however if they are refusing to repair a cabinet on an unsold unit on the dealers lot. I mean if the dealer can't get them to fix it now what are the chances they'll fix anything on it after it's sold ?

    Also I'd get on that roof and check for any structural weakness around that scrape. You want to make darn sure no water has penetrated the membrane and soaked into the substructure causing rot.

    Lastly, I might be a good idea to put a couple thousand in a rainy day fund to cover any repairs you'll need to do during the first couple of years just in case KZ refuses to stand by their "warranty"
  • You went thru way more than I would've. If it were me I would've walked and looked for a newer unit with less issues. I have no doubt you could walk on any RV lot and find several of the same identical models and one will be worse than the other(s). No reason to sacrifice. RV's are a dime a dozen.
    With that being said, I hope you have many years of enjoyment.
  • Bumpy, X2. The dealers salesperson is full of BS, Hope it doesn't the same with the dealer. I wouldn't take any bets.
  • Bumpyroad wrote:
    just wait until you try to get service once they have your money.

    X2 what Bumpy said. I would have walked but that's me.
  • just wait until you try to get service once they have your money.