Gebrown wrote:
I'd first like to start off with an apology to anyone I've annoyed by asking so many questions so fast.
I don't think anyone is annoyed by the frequency of your questions, but several of us, including myself, have posted replies and suggested you do some homework.
That being you need to open up your owners manual and find out the limits for your truck. I've never seen you reply with those (if you have my apologies), so the rest of the comments are just based on thoughts and ideas. You need to know what you can and can not tow, based on the manufacturer weight ratings. Once you know that, then and only then can you take into account for your lift and tires as they will reduce what you can tow most likely. Please, for your sake, look at those numbers. Post them, then we can give you advice based on the weights.
Honestly, I think anything over 30' long is going to be a bad towing experience with your truck, but that's just from personal experience towing at 29'4" trailer with my previous Avalanche.