minnow wrote:
I have read just 2 complaints from Andersen users on the many RV and Ram truck forums I follow about the hitch deflecting. Both of these limited incidents have been broadcast ad naseum by the nay sayers. First thing to know is that the hitch did not fail. No one had their fifth wheel come unattached from the hitch.
Secondly, Andersen redesigned and reinforced the hitch earlier this year and in both incidents that I read, Andersen replaced the deformed hitch with new version at no cost to the owners. I have not read of any issues with the new "version 2".
Considering the hitch has been sold since 2014, there are now a lot of the Andersen's out there in the real world in use, every day. There is a fellow on one of the Ram forums that is a professional RV delivery driver and uses the Andersen with the gooseneck ball. He reports not a single issue. He delivers all sizes and weights of fifth wheels. If anyone was going to have a problem, I think one would present itself under the conditions he tows with.
Adding to this comment, I've actually only read about one incident where it deformed under a heavy braking scenario. Not to say that another incident doesn't exist, but I'm just not specifically aware of it. Andersen told me via email that they've sold over 18,000 hitches since its introduction, so even if there were several incidents of deforming hitches, that's superior performance. As you mention, in no case has the hitch actually failed (in terms of falling apart or not being able to tow the 5er). And in the case I know about, we don't exactly know the whole story, such as whether or not the GN hitch or Andersen was installed correctly.
They advertise the crush test because its an accurate depiction of the forces present in a lateral movement. For those who understand the physics behind triangular/angled supports, this is very apparent. A direct downward force exerts pressures very similar to lateral forces.
To the OP, I have an Andersen and love it. Combined with my Mor-Ryde pin box, it works perfectly. I find that I need to more/less be inline from a perpendicular perspective, which is not hard at all. The pin box will move laterally to make up minor differences.
If you scour the internet, you'll not find any Andersen UH owner that is dissatisfied with the product. However, you will find a lot of naysayers and critics who have never used it. I agree that experience governs in this category.