To answer the OP's specific questions, I have an Andersen Ultimate. Hitching is far easier with it.
My previous conventional hitch sat low in the bed even though it was set at full height. The sight line to the plate was partially blocked by a rail-high toolbox between the extended cab and the hitch. I had to stretch, raise myself off the seat, and look back over my shoulder while keeping my foot near enough to the brake and accelerator pedals to use them in order to connect. This was not fun since I am 74 years old and the joints don't work as well.
The Andersen ball sits higher. All I have to do is look over my shoulder to see it. I center the ball side to side under the kingpin adapter while backing up, then get out and look to see how far backward or forward I need to move in order to drop the trailer and lock it to the hitch. The locking handle is attached to the trailer, not the hitch, so I find it much easier access.
The new version of the hitch has a cone which makes centering even easier. I thought about adding it, but decided it wasn't worth the price. I have no problems with the existing setup.
As for smoothness, it's far better than what I had before. There is no slop in the ball/adapter connection so there are no clunking sounds or jerky motions. Maybe you could improve the ride with the addition of air cushion or spring loaded devices, but not enough to justify their cost IMHO.