I always laugh when I hear the "boycotters" stand up in force and declare that they'll never buy products from company "X". Or that they hope the company goes out of business. It just just shows the crazed foolishness of people, which in this case, isn't much different than the foolishness that's being discussed. No, I don't condone the actions, but keep in mind that people (including ourselves) do stupid stuff everyday.
We buy RV's manufactured by the Amish, who are notorious for sending their children into the labor market without fair compensation.
We buy fuel for our vehicles that originates in the Middle East, and in many cases we essentially funnel money to terrorist funding organizations.
We buy products made in China...a place that is a known economic enemy of the USA (oh, and they're communist).
We eat GMO foods, grown in a manner that is far more abusive to the environment that a sand-stone etching on a giant rock.
So please take your social-justice warrior mentalities elsewhere...