goducks10 wrote:
Have we determined if the OP has rails or gooseneck?
Poor OP got left out of this conversation!
He has the rail system which is okay to flip the pyramid hitch. My rants have been with the gooseneck hitch style. That can only be mounted one way.
I really don't think the issue is with the hitch inherently as too many people have them without this problem. I have no idea how far off the center point the rail system places the hitch ball as the website PDF on dimensions for the rail system don't work.
I don't have this hitch as I don't have a fifth wheel yet. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn once. I do loads of research.
The Anderson is fantastic if you are running a truck that possibly is getting close to the limitation for load. Huge weight savings in this hitch. That is why I was interested in it. But just like any hitch and design there of, The Anderson is best suited to a long bed truck. Us short bed guys (and I'd have it no other way) and us 3/4 ton short bed guys (no other way)have to balance out many factors when it comes to towing a fifth wheel rig. Cargo weight and turning the sucker around.
My research is aiming at a 2700 Superglide Pullrite hitch. I don't like the weight and expense, but I do like the maneuverability. The combo of a frame to mount it on and the hitch is about 280 lbs. The Anderson set up is about 180 lbs lighter. And $$$$ wise it's a bunch difference. But right is right.