kohai wrote:
ralphnjoann wrote:
kohai wrote:
Michelle.S wrote:
So then Andersen is saying that their hitch will absorb up and down shock like an Air King Pin and fore and aft shock like the Mor/ryde.
So my question is, with all the movement there must be in that hitch to do all that, how long before it fails, since it appears to be mounted pretty ridged.
More likely its transferred to the truck rather than absorbed by the hitch itself.
Sadly this thread will probably devolve quickly into the I-don't-own-one-but-will-have-a-really-strong-opinion-about-the-andersen-being-the-end-of-the-world-and-it-probably-kills-baby-puppy arguments.
One of the fan-boys didn't waste any time.
Oh yeah, that was response type #3, attack other posters. :)
How is your response any different?