Forum Discussion

lawnspecialties's avatar
Oct 08, 2015

Another Puma Unleashed Thread

I have always loved Puma campers. They are a great value. Our first camper was a Puma TT and it was not only amazingly reliable for four years, we took it everywhere. Thousands of trouble free camping miles. Our fondest memories of camping trips are usually in that camper. We've had four campers from that Puma at $17,500 to $60,000 for our Cyclone. The Puma is our family favorite.

I really like the Unleashed toy haulers. It would fit our needs; especially if we need to stay in that price range. But I do have one particular question.

Why does Palomino continue to use the aluminum siding versus the fiberglass? Is it totally a price point thing? If they were to start using fiberglass, any clue what kind of pricing difference that would make?
  • We have had both types of siding, gel coat and aluminum.

    Aluminum is better,

    No delam
    No fading
    Lighter by hundreds of pounds
    Decals last longer
    Easy to fix if needed
    Better insulation than gel coat
    Non magnetic
    Shields from EMR
    Looks better, longer
  • We have a Puma Unleashed 356 QLB & love it.

    We still hear that the old siding is easier to make repairs if damaged, cheaper, and believe it or not some still prefer it. Do not have to worry about delamination.......

    Our Pumas siding has held up better that our friends flat siding they had to replace the ramp door do to delamination and their trailer cost over 15,000 more.

    The Puma gives more bang for the buck. Personally I believe the difference in price would in todays dollar be 10K higher if they changed. I personally hope they leave it as it is.........
  • It's been a while, maybe 8 or so years, but I recall seeing some RVs that were sold either way and the price difference for 30' units ran around $5,000 for fiberglass. I can't think of any off the top of my head that are sold that way today but you might see if Jayco does.