I live in western Oregon and ride a road bike ( was a Victory XCT and now back to my 2005 Road King ). March 2020 (when covid started) we were camping at the Oregon Coast for the 3rd trip that year. April; we got a monthly member spot in Central Oregon and went back and forth on the weekend for 3 or 4 nights each week. We got in a few rides from camp. Memorial week was in NE Oregon for 10 day ( 4th annual trip with 5er, 12th trip overall).
We have NOT altered our fun and travels one bit. We had an awesome 2 week trip in Sept to NE Oregon and south Washington. Rainier NP and Mt St Hellen we great.
We go where it's NOT HOT ( hot being 80*).
I'm ready for my Memorial Week trip, which starts next Thursday. KEN
Near La Grande, OR

Near Challan, WA ( correction Chelan County Fairgrounds )

On a walk around Magone Lake after a peaceful ( very little traffic ) on the Victory to get here.