Forum Discussion

N8GS's avatar
Jan 25, 2015

Anyone have a Grand Design 337rls

Looking to buy but curious as to what the Ready to hit the Road PIN WEIGHT is. I know that I will be On the Edge with my truck so I need to ensure that I won't be overloading the rear tires and axle.

Beautiful unit and with the 12 cu ft double door Reefer I can think about fulltiming in the not to distant future.
  • We love ours GREAT company, with Great customer service
  • I've got a GD 369RL Solitude. Almost two years old now with about 10,000 miles. Absolutely love it.
  • A guess says about 800# more than you are putting in the back of the truck now.

    Have you thought about upgrading to a 3500 dually & being done with the overweight & stability worry?

    Had a quick look. Pretty rig. The only negative that really jumped out at me was the tiny fresh water tank. 60gal is not going far at a long dry camping weekend at a festival or something.
  • I think I'll check out the Facebook group as suggested. I have about 2800# of capacity available for the loaded pin weight. At the 337's max weight of 13995# I will be right at the 22000 GCWR for my truck. So I can do the total package weight but if the pin weight is too high I will have tire overload issues. I wouldn't worry about being a few hundred pounds over on the tires for short trips but when running cross country (1000+ mile trips) that's a whole different game.

    So how does everyone like their GD? I am planning to do a factory tour next month. The factory is just 100 miles south of me.
  • caysea7254 wrote:
    We just bought a brand new one and pick it up tomorrow. anyway the manual says hitch weight is 2186.

    That would be the weight when the trailer is empty (and may not include options). Since you only tow it empty to bring it home from the dealer, the pin weight will only increase from there.
  • I have a Reflection 303. Great company and Customer Service Dept. There is a Grand Design forum and a Facebook page of all GD owners. Someone should be able to help you out.
  • We just bought a brand new one and pick it up tomorrow. anyway the manual says hitch weight is 2186. I am assuming that is what you mean when you say pin. Hope that helps. We thought we would be brining our unit home yesterday but they said it would take at least 5-7 hrs to install the underneath bed mount!
  • Found a dry weight of 10,700# so around 12,000# loaded. Will probably be around 2,400-2,500# pin weight. My Sundance is similar (12,000# loaded) and has a 2,600# pin weight (22%).