I too am interested in this concept but for the small trailer floorplans... I think this would be a cat's meow replacing the propane furnace and very loud furnace blower system in the small TT's and POPUP trailers. The few installs I have looked at seem to maintain a good heat and does show 'SOME' savings of power when camping off the power grid. One member in this tread uses this concept for providing heat for his water tanks. This would be a great system concept for running multiple heat zones around the walls of the fifth wheels and in the bath room walls using this type of heat register
This is all based on simple mods to the on-board hot water heater using this concept...

I came up with this drawing concept for my OFF-ROAD POPUP...

... In my case i would replace the on-board propane furnace with one of these AQUAHOT heat registers with built-in thermostat controlled fan...

This is setup by a small trailer user which had great results camping off the power grid in the mountain country...

Certainly is something I am going to look into for my OFF-ROAD POPUP setup... My on-board propane furnace is way too hot for my small footprint trailer and is also very LOUD. I compare it to sitting in the rear two rolls of seats in a MD80 aircraft. Wakes us up everytime it kicks in...
Roy Ken