Forum Discussion

Rich_Mar's avatar
May 11, 2015

are you towing with a short bed crew cab?

Just bought a Ford crew cab with a short (6 1/2) ft bed. I have a perfectly good 16k reese manual slider that I would like to use by buying the adapter. I've had only extended cab trucks before with no real problems in towing a fiver. If I can do this it would save some big bucks on not having to buy an auto slide hitch. The cougar 5er has the cut outs on the nose cap for turning and the pin box is standard extended style. In fact the mfg states short bed trucks ok. So my question to you is anyone pulling a fiver with a CREW cab short bed and not a AUTOmatic slider?? thanks
  • We have a short bed crew cab, a Cougar with contoured nose cap and a Reese manual slider. No problems whatsoever.
  • I don't. But good friend had short bed CC Chevy, no slider, and older square front 5er. Fine going forward but knocked out his back window on tight back in turn. Would hit at considerably less than 90 degrees. Bought a newer contoured front 5er and no more problems, and with a little extra care.
  • I have a very square-front FW and can NOT hit at full lock going forward, in either direction. TV is in my sig. I =ass=ume that the 4wd on my truck cuts down on my turning radius, but have never really checked. ALL will hit in reverse; the slider just gives you a bit more room before you do hit.

  • Crew cab shouldn't be any different than an extended cab. Assuming short bed the back window to 5er attach point should be the same.

    If you already have a "Manual" slider I don't see the concern. If you need it, its there...
  • I have a short box f350 and a Hijacker sliding hitch which is not automatic. I have only needed to use the slider a very few times and have only once had a problem when I tried to turn too tight without using it. I learned my lesson and never have a problem now.
  • I have a crew cab with a manual slider that I have never use it. You should be fine.
  • Been doing it for years Rich. You just have to watch the tight turns. NO jackknifing for sure. I have never been in a situation where the turn radius was not enough. My fiver is 24 the length might be a factor I cannot comment on that as I have never owned a fiver longer than 24. Hope this helps