hvac wrote:
If you think all metal cabinets that are fully hinged with commercial latches attached directly to a metal frame are chincy, then I offer a challenge. After 100k miles and a decade of heavy use,lets compare my problems to the traditional rv construction. So far with about 20k miles, no surprises with ours. None....
Dont recall me stating the metal cabinets were chincy...specifically.
And dont confuse real wood and quality cabinet construction methods vs the **** that is produced from Indiana.
And to take your challange would be a waste. They just picked up my Voltage, it was totalled out. Bent frame, hitch and outriggers. 20k miles.
This was my 2nd and last rv brand toyhauler I am done. I am in the final stages of a ATC custom build design(dont like their "toyhaulers" not what I want for $100k trailer) or Sundowner